
Importing a Procore project into Vertical

Import a Procore project into Vertical

You must have a Procore account with at least one project that meets the requirements below.

Your Procore project will appear in your list of projects within Vertical. At that point, you will be ready to initiate a draw from within Procore

Step 1

Let’s make sure you have the necessary information in Procore.

First, the Project must have an address in Procore.

The Owner/Client Company must have an address and primary contact in Procore.

The Prime Contract must have an Owner/Client company assigned in Procore.

NOTE: Wherever an address is required, the following four Procore fields must be completed:

• Address • ZIP/Postal Code • City • State

Step 2

After ensuring the above requirements are met, the project can be imported into Vertical.

First, connect Vertical to Procore by opening the settings menu and selecting Link my Procore account to Vertical

Then, import the Procore project by clicking Add New Project and selecting Import Procore Project

Now you’re ready to start a draw for this project from within Procore. See our page for that process here.

If you have any issue with your Procore connection or importing a project in Vertical, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@verticalmade.com